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What is Qurbani?

What is Qurbani?

The significance of Qurban in Islam:

Qurbani, also known as Udhiya, is an important Islamic practice of sacrificing a livestock animal during the festival of Eid ul-Adha, which takes place between the 10th and the 12th of the month of Dhul Hijjah, the last month of the Islamic calendar. This festival celebrates the resolute and unflinching will of the Prophet Ibrahim (AS), who was commanded by Allah (SWT) to sacrifice his only son. However, at the final moment, a miracle happened, and his beloved son was saved. The Qurbani sacrifice is where Muslims remember this humble act of complete and utter devotion.

After the livestock animal has been sacrificed, its meat is divided into three equal portions – one for the individual performing Qurbani, one for the family of the Muslim who provided the animal, and one for the poor and needy. The purchasing or provision of a Qurbani animal, otherwise known as paying the Qurbani price, is obligatory for every Muslim who is financially able to do so. There are strict Qurbani rules surrounding which animals can be sacrificed including the species of the animal, the quality of life it has led, its health status, and additional guidelines on how it must be sacrificed.

The Qurbani Eid meaning is literally translated as a sacrifice, which refers to the sacrifice of animals to commemorate Prophet Ibrahim’s (AS) dedication to Allah (SWT) and his willingness to give up what was most important to him in the name of faith. Qurbani instills the same devotion and dedication within Muslims towards Allah (SWT) as the Prophet Ibrahim (AS) showed. Even though the act of Qurbani itself is to bring death to the animal, the actual meaning is about life. It is meant to teach Muslims restraint, obedience to Allah (SWT), devotion to righteousness, and Taqwa.

Qurbani serves as an important means to both remember and provide for the most vulnerable in our communities, ensuring they are not left excluded from community-wide celebrations. By sacrificing an animal during the Eid ul-Adha festivities, Qurbani brings the entire Ummah together.

Aghnam Al Barakah projects will be carried out at Muslim Aid in 2022. Last year, Qurbani donations reached some of the most isolated and poverty-stricken places around the world. With the support of generous donors, Muslim Aid can continue to make a difference this year as well. By donating to Aghnam AL Barakah, the positive influence of Qurbani can be felt around the world this Eid ul-Adha.

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