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Hajj/Umrah Badal


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To perform the pilgrimage for someone else, you’ll need to provide their name along with their father’s name. For instance, if you wish to perform the Umrah/ Hajj pilgrimage for your father, whose name was Muhammad and whose father’s name was Abdullah, you will need to recite the following prayer during your Pilgrimage in Miqat:

labbayka Allahumma ‘Omra ‘an Muhammed ibn Abdullah

This means, «Allah, I answer your call by performing an Umrah/ Hajj for Muhammad, the son of Abdullah»

Inclusive of:

  • Photo & videos of the overall service.
  • Certificate of service.
  • Personal du’a done by the representative during day of Arafah.


This year Aghnam Al Barakah will help you gift Hajj to a loved one through our Hajj Badal service. Hajj Badal is where an individual performs an obligatory Hajj pilgrimage on behalf of another person. Thus fulfilling a pillar of Islam for someone who is ill or passed away. As mentioned in the Quran,

وَأَتِمُّوا الْحَجَّ وَالْعُمْرَةَ لِلَّهِ

And complete the Hajj or Umrah in the service of Allah
(Al-Baqara, Verse – 196)


  • 1  Take advantage of the great reward of the Umra in Ramadan which is equal to a Hajj with the prophet ﷺ.
    The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “(The performance of) ‘Umrah during Ramadan is equal to Hajj (pilgrimage).” Or said, “Equal to the performance of Hajj with me.”

[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

  • 2  Removal of Poverty and Expiation of Sins

Ibn ‘Abbas said: “The Messenger of Allah said: ‘Perform Hajj and ‘Umrah consecutively; for they remove poverty and sin as the bellows remove impurity from iron.”’

  • 3  Equivalent to Jihad for some Muslims

Abu Hurairah narrates that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Hajj is the jihad for the old, the weak and the women.” (This is reported by Nasa’i with a reliable chain of narrators)

  • 4  Applying a great Sunnah of Islam

  • 5  Sending the great reward of Umra to your demised loved ones with an affordable fee.

  • 6  Support the Shariah students as we allow them a little more than they need to do the Umra.

  • 7  Filial piety and Ihssan to the parents and family

{إِنَّ اللَّهَ يَأْمُرُ بِالْعَدْلِ وَالْإِحْسَانِ وَإِيتَاءِ ذِي الْقُرْبَىٰ وَيَنْهَىٰ عَنِ الْفَحْشَاءِ وَالْمُنْكَرِ وَالْبَغْيِ ۚ يَعِظُكُمْ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَذَكَّرُونَ}



(16:90) Surely Allah enjoins the doing of justice and the doing of good (to others) and the giving to the kindred, and He forbids indecency and evil and rebellion; He admonishes you that you may be mindful.


Is it permissible to perform Umrah in place of the deceased? Or dedicate her reward to him?

There is no doubt that Umrah on behalf of others who are dead or unable to reach Makkah due to old age or disability is permissible, such as Hajj, so you, asker, can perform Umrah on behalf of whom you wish among your dead Muslim brothers.

[Cheikh Ibn Baz]

Additional information

Select option

Hajj Badal, Umrah Badal


During Ramadhaan, During Dhul-Hijjah, Off Peak – Rest of the year


Male, Female

Is the person deceased?

Deceased, Alive

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