• info@aghnambarakah.com

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Hajj/Umrah Badal 🕋

Gift Hajj to a loved one – Fulfill a pillar of Islam for someone who is ill or passed away.

Hajj/ Umrah Badal

A greatest Gift.

The fifth pillar of Islam – Hajj, one of Islam’s most rewarding deeds, performed yearly on behalf of departed / terminally ill Muslims who were unable to conduct it themselves. Each Hajj Badal ( حج البدل) is completed by Shari’ah students who satisfy all requirements and are overseen by a renowned Imam.

A voluntary act of ‘ibaadah with immense rewards (if completed in Ramadan, reward equals that of performing Hajj with the Prophet – PBUH), completed (as often as the heart desires) on behalf of deceased or terminally ill Muslims. Umrah Badals (عمرة البدل) can be performed during any time of the year.

Our Purpose

The Prophet (peace be upon said): “The one who shows/calls another to a good deed, is given the same reward as the one who performs it”.
So, it’s a win win situation for everyone and we pray that Allah grants us the reward of all ‘hajj and ‘umrahs completed through this facilitation.

How Does it work?

We pray that Allah grants you the reward of ‘hajj for showing such generosity towards your loved one(s).

1) Once payment and registration is secured, an individual is allocated on behalf of the person.

2) The allocated individual is muslim, mentally and physically fit and well acquainted with the rulings and requirements of Hajj.

3) The Niy’yah ( intention for Hajj) on behalf of the person whom Hajj is being performed is made by the individual whilst in a state of ihram.

4) Once all the rights of Hajj are fulfilled, we will be informed of completion and duly inform you.

Choose Hajj Badal

Choose one of two ultimate gifts: Hajj Badal (حج البدل) or Umrah Badal (عمرة البدل)to be performed by qualified students of Shari'ah in Makkah.

Make Payment

Make payment online. We receive confirmation, choose your Payment options: bank transfer, Direct deposit, etc.)

We Arrange

Hajj Badal or Umrah Badal is performed on behalf of your loved one(s); the process is overseen by a registered Imam in Makkah. Upon completion of umrah rites, we'll send you a certificate, video and photo to confirm umrah badal.

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